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Städa: Tidy Kitchen



The Städa Kitchen (Swedish "städa", for "tidy", and "clean") was created as a result of my Master's thesis at the SFSU School of Design. The original design challenge was to address the frustrations with clutter and efficiency in managing dishes; specifically, the frustrations that are felt by adults in urban areas who share their home with other adults


Statistics reveal a national trend of professional adults living with housemates in response to the dramatic divergence between real income and the cost of housing in urban areas.

Immersion and survey research found that the most frustrating things about cooking and cleaning in a shared kitchen are:

  • Not enough space to clean and dry dishes

  • Roommates leaving dirty pans + dishes all over counters

  • Cluttered sink

  • Finding clean pans and utensils/items locked in dishwasher

  • The lack of control

Meanwhile, extensive interviews with kitchen product industry representatives found that kitchen environments are built for the nuclear family on the ideal of the 1950's home-maker, a family unit with one cook cycle, and do not cater to the needs of this growing generation of home-sharing adults.

Design Problem:​

Adults who share their home need affordable, beautifully designed products that enable efficiency, organization, and conservation in the management of dishes and cookware in a shared kitchen.


To come up with a solution for this design problem, I used the following design tools:

  • Persona Creation

  • Journey Mapping

  • Morphology Analysis

  • Morphology Matrix

  • Sketch Ideation

  • CAD


This kitchen system and the component products are filed with the U.S. Patent office.

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